• subject POST

    from science to science to… science!

    Hey I was just wondering, if I want to switch into a different program?second year, so if I were to switch from Psychology in first year to Life?Sciences in second year, how does that procedure work? Thanks in advance!



    …yeah I’m never opening with howdy again lol.

    Anyway, how things work at this lovely university is that in first year, you start off in a stream. You can be in Humanities, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, blah blah blah. There’s quite a few, but they’re veeeery general. Next, you take a whole load of 100-level intro courses to things that interest you/are relevant to your life choices! You can, for the most part, take whatever you want — assuming you have the prerequisites needed for them.

    And then after this first year of testing the water, you come down with the classic case of “what the actual eff are Subject POSts?” confusion, a common problem that can be remedied by attending your college’s little seminar-y thing offered around March about POSts.

    But in short, they’re your programs of study. At that point, after taking whatever 100-level bio is offered and meeting the program requirement, you can enter the bio program. Or the psychology. Or bioethics. Whatever.

    tl;dr = you don’t have to “transfer” from “psychology” to “life sciences.”

    Really, you’re probably starting off here in some science-y thing, you’ll take your courses, and then at the end of first year, you enrol in the program you want and throw away any unwanted dreams about psych.

    Make sense?



  • subject POST

    waiting for the second time around… after second year

    how hard is it to enrol into a new major at the end of second year? and what if the major is a type 2l enrolment program?



    It all really depends on the program.

    For some, the requirements are the same, for others they rise substantially.

    So, for example, take the Ethics, Society, and Law major, which helpfully enough suits this situation and makes me wonder if it’s what you’re asking me about. Anyway, for first year applicants, you just need at least 73% in a certain set of 3.0 FCE. But for those applying after second year, you’ll need a 73% again, but from PHL271H and some other ones.

    Now the “hard” part here would be that now you’re building an average from 200-level courses, which, naturally, are harder than 100-levels.

    So how hard is it?

    Well, that all depends on how hard-working you are! And how badly you want to be in the program. 😉

    Good luck!


  • subject POST

    the arts and science program buffet

    Hey Aska,
    So I’m SURE you’ve had this question before, but I’ve been through your site and can’t find the answer…

    I will be applying to U of T in (around) November of this year in order to (hopefully!) Be enrolled for Sept. Of 2014. My question is: can you major in something from one Department and Minor in something from another? I’m pretty sure I know the answer 🙁 It’s just that there are a long of things that look awesome to me… I’m looking to apply to the LifeSciences Cat. For Psychology … So that being said, it would be impossible to minor in “Ethics, Society, and Law” from the Humanities dept, right?




    Haha, to be honest, I’ve answered this question maaaany times, but I haven’t been asked it in ages, so it’s fine!

    Also, it’s quite refreshing after an inbox full of questions about probation/suspension/abysmal grades. 😉

    Anywho, you are more than welcome to specialize/major/minor in whatever programs you’d like from the Faculty of Arts and Science.

    So, for example, you can do a major in physical geography, do a minor in writing and rhetoric, and then another minor in visual arts. Or, if I’m being more you-oriented, yes, you can certainly double major in psychology and ethics, society and law — and I say double major because the latter program is a major program.

    But yeah, feel free to pick and choose!

    i wish i studied everything,

  • subject POST,  UTM

    just in case we weren’t clear on the subject posts….

    Hi! I go to UTM, and by the end of April I will have 3.5 credits. To enroll in the CCIT Major program, I need at least 4.0 credits. I have decided to take a second year Sociology course over the summer to fulfill the 4.0 credit requirement. Should I wait till after the summer session ends to apply for the Subject Post? Or can I do it before?



    As explained many many many many times, students enroll in Subject POSts only after they’ve gotten 4.0 FCE, so yes, you’re going to have to wait until the end of the summer session when you have your last 0.5 credit.



  • subject POST

    subject POSt post number 236478153


    I am finishing my first year, and I have a couple questions about enrolling in subject posts.

    1)? Is there a minimum amount of programs we can apply to? Also, can I? apply to, let’s say, a biology specialist AND a biology major AND a biology minor?

    2) Can you explain the 12 course rule?

    3) If I am taking courses in the summer that are prerequisites for a certain program, do I STILL apply during the first round, or do I only apply during the second round? Are there less chances of getting into the program second round?

    4) Lastly, does it matter WHEN I apply, or does it not matter as long as it’s before the deadline? For example, if I applied on April 1st vs. April 3rd, do the spots get filled up? Does that mean I should apply sooner?




    You didn’t go to any seminars on Subject POSts by your college did you?

    Don’t worry. I can tell.

    Well, here are your answers — all of which can be found quite clearly conveyed on a few key UofT sites!

    1) You need to either be in one of the following: (a) one specialist,? (b) two majors, or (c) one major and two minors. And no. No you can’t do a bio specialist, major, and minor. They’re all the same program.

    2) The “12 course rule” only applies if you’re doing a double major. Essentially, it means that among your two majors, you need to have 12 different courses and that only a certain number of other courses may overlap depending on the programs. Take a look at the same page I linked you at for some examples by the university.

    3) Second round. Duh. And your chances are pretty much the same.

    4) No. Your marks are what matter.

    always doing the basic research for ya,

  • subject POST

    trinity’s superiority complex strikes back!

    Hey again, thanks for your reply

    The POSt Im inquiring about is the Ethics Law and Society, and I think it is pretty likely that I’ll get in the second round. However, who knows, my grades may end up meeting the desired requirements and I can apply earlier. But if not, Ill take a F session summer course, then reapply, and if that doesn’t work, Ill take another summer course and reapply. Hopefully I get in. But if not, Im thinking of taking a double major in sociology and political science because checking the 200 type courses for next year, quite a few of them are in such categories. So I was asking if I were to do that, would the sociology and political science classes that are in ES&L transfer when I reapply in third year? Also, there is a couple other philosophy based courses for second year in ES&L. Even if im not priority, can I still try to get in then that will transfer too? And a friend told me the GPA requirement has increased quite a bit for ES&L but I dont know if thats true, but thats why Im worried. It should only be 75% minimum I think.



    Hey hey!

    Looks like you’ve done your own research, embraced the lord of logic, and so on. Way to go. This pleases aska. Yes yesss. Ahem.

    The program you’re enrolling in — I don’t know much about it, but I haaaave heard it’s difficult to get into. Granted, that came from a girl I know that applied after spending her first year indulging in debauchery et al soooo… But I also know that the department itself is just incredibly aesthetically pleasing. If you’re ever in Trinity and have made it past the deliciously buttery croissants of The Buttery, you should definitely scope out the bright and glassy department that is ethics.

    But onto your questions. Yes, if you take, for example, PHL271H which is a requirement for the Ethics, Society, and Law major (or any sociology or poli sci course for that matter) while NOT being in the POSt, the course will still count towards the major once you get accepted in it. So if you find you can’t get in this year, fill up on the the random Group A/B/C/D courses that the major requires 4.5 FCEs from.

    You MAY find yourself a victim to the dreaded priority limits, but after August 6, you’ll be free to enroll in the PHL courses you’re interested in.

    Although if you end up being in a position of having to resort to random POSts to get by second year with, I recommend making one of those posts a philosophy major or minor since their requirements just seem to be 4.0 FCEs. Likewise, that POSt will give you priority in courses that you need for ES&L.

    And lastly, the average thing… okay, well, according to the new 2013-2014 calendar, you need at least a 73%, I would recommend adding a bit to that since more often than not, the average fluctuates depending on the number of people trying to get in. So if there are a ton, the average can move to 75% like you said, but if there are a lot less than expected, then it can lower. But yeah, aim for as high as possible. 🙂



  • subject POST

    the consequences of not picking your POSt

    I’m in my first year, and because of a bunch of stuff that went on, I’m afraid I probably won’t get my 4 credits required to apply for a subject post. When I looked at the website about subject posts, it says you have to choose one, “or else” kind of business. But seeing how I can’t, what happens? I know I’ll be stuck in first year, but do I have to talk to a counsellor about it? Or do I just pick courses again like I did first year? And when I do get my last credit needed, does that mean I pick u subject post after first term next year?
    (I know this might be something I should talk to my college’s counsellor about, but I hate confrontation. ): )
    Thanks, Kim


    Hey Kim,

    I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the truth is… well, when first-years don’t finish at least 4.0 FCE and choose their Subject POSts, UofT actually sacrifices them to the Great Other who feasts upon their souls and then turns their lifeless corpses into little puppets that then lead future students into debauchery that prevents THEM from completing 4.0 FCE.

    Liek srsly.

    Nah, I’m just kidding.

    If you don’t get 4.0 FCE then you just don’t. Simple as that!

    You’ll just be picking courses again like you did in first year but with the new batch of first years, which might be problematic for you in that you might not get a spot in the 200-level courses you want soooo…

    But if you do get that last credit, then yes, you’ll need to pick. Basically you enroll in Subject POSts after completing 4.0 FCE.

    Or else.



  • subject POST

    sifting through a selection of studies

    Dear Aska,

    I am a really confused person and I’m having trouble picking my subject POSt. I know that I want to major in Women and Gender Studies for sure, but want to also major in Aboriginal Studies, Diaspora and Transnational Studies and Sexual Diversity Studies. I know that I could also do a double minor but I feel that I won’t get the same depth of knowledge if I just minor in one or the other. Please tell me what to do :/

    Confused Idiot 🙁


    Confused Idiot,

    Oh Subject POSts. The bane of every first year’s existence at this time of the year.

    Anyhow, I recommend you do a double major in Women and Gender Studies and Aboriginal Studies and then do a minor in Diaspora and Transnational Studies. If you look at DTS’ requirements, you can fulfill a few of the needed courses with some of your WGS ones like WGS369H Studies in Post-Colonialism, WGS375H Colonialism, Sexuality, Spirituality and the Law, or WGS380H Aboriginal, Black and Immigrant Women in the Land of Dollars.

    Really, most courses allowed for DTS overlap with those of other programs, so I think you can get by with making that one your minor and still get a wide depth of knowledge. 😉



  • subject POST

    stressing out over psych

    Hi, I’m currently in my second year and I want to switch to doing a psychology specialist (I’m way over my head with my current program, physics). I took PSY100 in my first year and got 90%, the calendar this year says at least 80% is required for SPE, but I heard psychology is pretty popular and since I’m applying after second year, do you think I should still be confident about getting in? In addition, being the insecure person that I am, should I also make a request for PSY major and minor. However, I’m unsure if doing so would somehow conflict with my chances of getting into the specialist, (like they’ll see you’re ok with the major so they’ll give you that instead of the specialist). Please help, Master Askastudent.

    Out of curiosity, is uoft unique from other universities in that it offers specialist programs for subjects?

    Another student


    Yo yo,

    Well seeing as the required grade is 80% and you have 90%, I’d say yeah, you have a good chance of getting in. Was that really a question or did you just want the world to know about your fabulous grade? Are you actually concerned, because I don’t think you need to be…

    But yes, you can certainly request the psychology minor, major, and specialist all at once just to be safe. I’m pretty sure you’ll get into the specialist, but I suppose doing that wouldn’t hurt. 🙂



  • geography,  subject POST

    always consider the calendar!

    I’m a first-year student at UTSG with my course load aimed towards an economics major and a human geography major. I have a 4.0 FCE but I’m struggling in ECO100Y making my cursor float over the “drop course” button on rosi numerous times. If I drop it, will it have an effect on my transcript/CGPA? And can I retake that course next year without any worries? I also have MAT133Y and I don’t know what other majors/minors require it.

    Also, If I decide to go with a major in human geography (total of 7.0 FCE), and minors in GIS (4.0 FCE) & Asian Geographies (4.0 FCE), what options do I have for the remaining 5.0 FCE to graduate? Can I just take random courses and accumulate FCEs that way? Or do I have to choose another path?



    Yo yo!

    If you drop ECO100Y1 right now, then no, it won’t affect your transcript or CGPA. This year, you have until February 18 to drop any Y courses without any academic penality or whatnot. And if you want to take it again next year (or maybe this summer), that’s totally fine, as long as you haven’t been assigned any grade — meaning you dropped it this year before February 18.

    As for having MAT133Y… um, yay? Are you asking me what programs use it as an entry requirement? Well, I’d assume anything remotely mathish or sciencey, so take a look at the calendar dude!

    There you can also take a look at some courses that might interest you for that remaining 5.0 — possibly even more since your geography requirements might even overlap. Basically, with those you can take whatever you want. Just make sure you prioritize all your program requirements and breadth requirement.



  • subject POST

    i have a major in bio and a minor bio… sounds bad, doesn’t it?

    Is it possible to do a major and minor in biology, I don’t like all the courses under the specialist and they are messing with my schedule. Also how many courses can overlap between a major and minor or two minors. Lastly is it possible/allowed to graduate in three years instead of four?



    So like…?I just — I’m honestly?kind of at a loss on how to answer you.

    Just no.

    No, you cannot complete a major and a minor in the same subject. The idea is that you can come out of your undergrad with some kind of expertise in two or more subjects, or a highly in depth understanding of just one, but no, you can’t do a major and minor in Biology.

    Now what you can do is major in Biology, and then complete a second major in another Bio-esque program like Animal Physiology or Cell and Molecular Biology. If any courses between them overlap, then lucky you. There’s no real limit, just make sure you’re fulfilling your requirements.

    That being said, you can definitely graduate in three years so long as, again, you fulfill all of your requirements. Meaning both your program requirements and your degree requirements! Granted, that might be a bit difficult if you’re in a large bunch of science courses in one semester. And they’ll also totally consume your summer. Are you sure you’re up for that?

    Well, good luck sifting through the calender for overlapping programs!



  • subject POST

    diversity downtown at uoft!

    What’s the availability of minor and second major options based on the?department I choose, within the Faculty of Arts & Science?? For example, if?I choose Life Sciences, what kind of majors/minors could I additionally?pick within, say Physical and Mathematical Sciences, at the end of my first?year?? I got the impression from this?that it was basically unrestricted.? Is that correct?


    Hey hey!

    You are correct.

    Long story short, you can take any odd combination of majors/minors/specialists within the Faculty of Arts and Science — aside from the Rotman things, of course! So take a look at that list to get a vibe for what U0fT has to offer cuz you’re not that restricted.

    Feel free to specialize in Physics and finish a minor in Spanish. Or double major in East Asian Studies and English. Yada yada yada. Or whatever. Basically, you’re not bound to just?Life Sciences or just?Humanities.

    happy hunting,


  • admissions,  subject POST


    I’m interested in both sciences and humanities. Is it possible to double major in these? Say, biology and history? Would I need to apply to Life Science and Humanities separately in OUAC or will only applying to Life Science be enough?


    Hey Michelle,

    So in the Faculty of Arts and Science, you can double major in any subjects from it, meaning a bio and history combo is definitely possible.

    Now here’s the trickier part. Basically, your course selection is sorted by your stream in first-year. Unfortunately, given the different fields you’re interested in, you can either enter as a Life Science student (for example) or perhaps a Humanities one, giving you first dibs on the courses within those streams.

    Personally, I recommend maybe entering as a Humanities student simply?because… well, basically anyone can take an English or History course, but to get into Bio will actually come with prerequisities that you’ll probably have. Granted, this is just my opinion. I suppose you should speak to your guidance councilor and get their two cents, but I wouldn’t worry too much!

