• summer

    filling up on courses for the summer

    Alright – so my story is very complicated – but please bear with me!

    I was admitted to Woodsworth in Fall 2012 as an international student, but?due to a visa delay, I had to defer my admission to next year (sucks,?right?)

    Anyhow, my visa came sometime in mid-November, and although I wished to?take the Winter session, I was advised by the Registrar and a senior?counsellor that I won’t be able to get good courses – so I ditched the idea.

    Now I’ve spoken to the Registrar and turns out, I can enroll in the Summer?session this year.. Now I have followed British Curriculum and completed my?A levels with the grades AAA, and have gotten 1.5 transfer credits for the?courses SOC103, PSY100 and TRIN1**.

    I understand we can take upto 4 credits in the summer session, but the?Registrar-counsellor keeps on telling me that I should not be taking more?than 1 credit (that is, 0.5 credit in F, 0.5 in S), that it would be very?difficult for me to cope with the course load etc. I, initially, thought to?take some 3 or 3.5 credits so that I could end up making up for the time I
    lost – and take some extra courses in the School of Continuing Studies?before starting in May so that I can have an idea of how the academic-level?is.. But hearing this from the Registrar, I feel really confused..

    The courses I have in mind for the Summer are FSL100 and SOC102 in the?first term (F) and PSY230 and FSL102 in the second term (S). The Registrar?recommends SOC 102 in F and FSL100 in S only. Now I really want to make up?for lost time, and at the moment, I’m not even thinking of the breadth?requirements at all.. Plus, I have studied sociology and psychology in?immense detail in my A levels (and got decent grades), so I have a good?idea what those subjects are about..

    I just want a word of advice from you – do you think I should take 2?credits this summer, knowing that I am 100% able AND willing to work extra?hard to make it all work out, or should I just stick with the Registrar’s?advice and take a lesser load?

    Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!



    Holy long-winded message.

    For starters, N., I will bluntly tell you that you have a registrar for a reason and their only intention is to guide you in the right direction. So if they recommend a certain way of working, they do it because it’s the most practical option.

    Now in the summer, you’re allowed a maximum of 2.0 credits (as in 4 half credits), so there won’t be any of this “3.5” business. So what you have planned — the Sociology and French in semester one, and the Psych and more French in semester two — does, technically, make sense. The only problem is that it isn’t really practical.

    As willing as you may be to “work extra hard,” it’s not that easy to manage two courses in the sped up summer session. Heck, it’s even quite difficult to deal with one. If you had an essay due in the fourth week of class in a normal session, that’s fine. However, in the summer, you can damn well have an?exam?at the end of your second week. Now multiply that by two. Then add the readings. Also times two.

    Not so pleasant-sounding anymore, huh?

    Able and willing as you may be, I personally agree with your registrar. Taking a full load this summer, even if it’s to catch up, might not be a good idea.

    But in the end, it’s your choice, so I hope you make the most logical one!

    not spending summer studying,

  • grades,  subject POST,  summer,  UTM

    this post is too random for a title

    Hi Aska,

    So I’m currently a first year student at UTM, in the psych program. I just transferred to UTM this semester after doing quite badly in a different program at a different university.

    Anyways, because of my academic history, I’m on academic probation for this year and only allowed to take 3 courses per semester for my first year. So far, at the end of my first semester, I’m getting above 80 is all three courses, and very much enjoying my program.

    If everything continues as it is, I will have 3.0 credits with a CGPA of 3.8 – 4.0 at the end of second semester. Now this is where things get confusing for me….

    I’m interested in the specialist program in the psych department called “Behavior, genetics and neurobiology”. The requirements of which are on the website and which include CHM110/120, which I am not taking at the moment because I can only take 3 courses. My plan is to take it in the summer. However, this course, while being a UTM course, is only offered at the St George campus over the summer, and I know you have to have a minimum number of credits at your “home” campus before being allowed to take courses at one of the other campuses. So, my question is, will I be able to take it over the summer with only 3.0 credits?

    Also, I don’t understand the whole subject PosTs thing. The minimum requirements for the specialist program are 8.0 credits, and a CGPA of 3.0 and some particular courses have to be taken. My question is, if you need a minimum of 8.0 credits, how can you declare it is a subject POST on ROSI after first year? Wouldn’t you have to wait until the end of second year to have enough credits? If that is the case, then why do you have to declare your subject POSts at the end of first year?

    Also, if I am allowed to take CHM100/120 during the summer, is it a very difficult course to complete in the compressed time period?

    Another question, I’m supposed to be taking a stats course in second year and I’m not sure which one to take: PSY201 or BIO360. Any idea on which prof is better or which one is slightly easier? Math is not my favourite subject so I would prefer to take the one with the better prof that will give me a better chance of getting a good grade…

    Confused First Year UTM student


    Yo yo!

    Nice grades there, bro. I take it you enjoy showcasing them? Don’t worry, I’m sure anyone getting As would be just as shameless. 😉

    Now onto your matter: if you only have 3.0 FCE, then no, unfortunately, there will not be any studying at St. George. You need at least 4.0 FCE from UTM to take anything at the St. George campus. So what can you do for now? Well, unfortunately, wait. Or you can stock up on some courses for next semester!

    And as for your POSt questions, it is exactly as you read it. I know it sounds weird, but basically from what I’m reading, the Behaviour, Genetics and Neurobiology program seems to be something you enter after your second year and after you’ve taken all the required courses, which adds up to a good chunk of that required 8.0 FCE. That means that in the mean time, take their listed first and second year course requirements.

    But you will still have to declare a POSt. You always do. Why? So that you can register. But not to worry, a lot of people finish their first year, don’t get into the program they want, and just list something they know they can get into as a placeholder. For you, I would recommend perhaps going into a Psych specialist in the mean time.

    As for summer school… well, it requires discipline. Lots and lots of discipline. Are you willing to study while your friends go out every single night, enjoying the warm summer nights and lovely patios?? Are you willing to flip through textbooks when there are pools to be swam in, beaches to lay on, and tanning to be had? And what about sitting in a dank classroom when the sunshine creeps into the windows? It’s up to you whether or not it’s “difficult.”

    Lastly, the stats question… I guess the best option for you is to do a little research. See who teaches it and consult one of my personal favourites: ratemyprofessor! While not necessarily accurate, you at least get a little bit of insight.

    too long but had to read,


  • summer

    who needs sun when you’ve got school!


    Im a U of T St George student thats interested in taking summer courses at UTSC because the maximum course load for the summer session is capped at 2.0 here.? While at UTSC, the maximum summer course load is 2.0.? I was either thinking of taking 3.0 summer courses at UTSC, or 2.0 at UTSG and 1.0 at UTSC.? Is this allowed?




    Hey there,

    There are a lot of other things you can do with your summer you know.

    For example, you can get a job as a camp counselor and chase children around under the blazing sun. Or maybe you can score some work at a burger joint. Or if you have the funds to dole out, you can take a vacation!

    But if you?re set on going to summer school, then I?m sorry to tell that no, you?re capped at 2.0 credits regardless of what campus you take the courses at. All of that stuff is done on ROSI, who despite its flaws is good at telling you when you?re enrolled in too many courses and then stopping you. Basically, since you?re a St. George student, you?re going to have to go by the St. George rules.

    Sorry about that!

    spending summers saving,



  • summer

    dammit ROSI, let me suffer away my summer in school

    So, I wanted to take statistics in the summer for my psych program requirement (STA220) and I managed to get into the lecture, but all the
    tutorial spaces said “Enrolment Category Full” and that there were 35 spaces available total. I realize that as a first year student, at this
    point I should probably know all of the enrolment lingo, but I’m just left confused with what I should do, what this even means, and if I’ve just
    missed some vital information as I searched for the answer. I even hoped someone else had asked this question before me on this site! Ah well. Does this mean I need to drop the course and hope to take it through the second year, or should I wait until something changes? Although I’m taking more courses, statistics was the reason I wanted to take summer school so I would hope that it works out.
    Thank you for your time 🙂



    I think either i’m confused, or you are … or we both are.

    I noticed that your email was dated for a couple of weeks ago, when you were still unable to register for summer courses. So maybe the conflict has to do with registering for Fall/Winter courses for last year …or … I don’t know.

    Summer Course registration was yesterday!

    So you can now register for summer 2012 courses. So give it a shot now. If for some reason you managed to get into the lecture and not the tutorial, give the department a call because there should be room.

    forever and always,


  • summer

    no summer internship = become a YouTube sensation

    Hello good sir/madam,As of recently my plans have been changed for the summer and I will be returning home to Toronto in early May. I am a biology undergrad at the
    University of Victoria and I am looking for a summer job that pertains to my degree. Since it is late in the semester, most of the internships and
    scholarship programs have been taken, so now I am looking for potential employers on my own. I was wondering if you knew of any professors or
    researchers at the University of Toronto that would be interested in hiring a third year biology undergrad? Any tips on pointing me in the right
    direction? Thanks for reading.


    Hello back sir/madam,

    I’ve actually been asking students about this very issue lately … you know … continually upgrading my surplus of knowledge.

    Anywho. Generally speaking, according to my informants, I wouldn’t expect to find a paid research position, internship, etc at the university.

    You can look on the U of T Career Centre … this is where they post all the jobs offered.

    Other than that, there are no super secret jobs that just askas know.

    Have you ever considered becoming a YouTuber … because I frequently do.

    good luck future smarty pants,


  • summer

    just run away from your fears, literally

    Hai. C:We can repeat courses so we can get the required grades for our POSTs right? D: Do we need to go to the registrar for that? I read what they said on the calendar but the wording is just a tiny bit confusing.
    And do you know when and how we apply for the summer session?
    Also are the academic advisors scary? I know I should be asking an academic advisor these questions but I’m too afraid to go.

    Thanks aska!



    So lets just dive right in there!

    This is what the course calendar says on repeating a course (just to make sure we are on the same page … and so it looks like I’ve written more than I have)

    Repeating a Course as an “Extra”

    All students (both degree and non-degree-seeking) may repeat up to 1.0 full-course equivalent for which they have received credit (i.e., achieved a grade of 50% or higher or CR) for reasons other than to gain a required mark above passing to qualify for entry into a Subject POSt or a course required for a prerequisite. The repeated course will be designated an “Extra” course: it will appear on the academic record, but will be marked “Extra” and will not be included in GPA calculations or in the degree credit count.

    Students may not use this one-time-only Extra provision to repeat a passed course yet again which they have already repeated once as an “Extra” to qualify for entry into a Subject POSt or for entry into a course for which the repeated course is a prerequisite i.e., a student may repeat a specific passed course only once.

    Students requesting to repeat a course in this way must do so at their college registrar?s office, where they will receive appropriate advising and will be enrolled, provided there is space available, only after other degree students have had an opportunity to enroll.

    So, yes you can repeat it, but it doesn’t get included into your CGPA.

    For summer school, you can see your enrolment time on April 2nd, and you enrol on April 9th. The final course calendar will be released the week of March 19th.

    Nah! Academic advisors aren’t that scary. There’s probably a rule about making them scary. I suggest you make an appointment and just go chat with them about your academic plan. If they?freak you?out for some reason,?just run away (but they won’t, trust me).

    gum drops and kittens,


  • summer

    to summer and beyond

    Do you have any idea what days ant100 for the summer session were held in 2011? Whether it was a 3 hour class once a week?? I need a general idea before signing up, because I need to take it for summer 2012 but I’m going on vacation -_-



    Here’s the link for the 2011 Summer Course Calendar. So twice a week plus a tutorial … brutal for trying to plan out your summer fun times.

    The preliminary 2012 Summer Course Calendar says that ANT100 will be taught in the evening (not that, that really helps any planning)

    bikinis and speedos,



  • courses,  subject POST,  summer

    summertime courses are the kind i like

    Hey aska,

    Today I enrolled for my summer courses. After, I had deleted a subject post (a major) because i wanted to change it for something else. But it turned out that I can’t add anything right now. So now I’m stuck with a major and a minor. Is it possible that the enrollment for my summer courses will be rejected because of that? Since the major and minor combo isn’t the correct format?




    Dear Minecrafter,

    This question is a little bit hard to answer because you have not given me any specifics. But according to the calendar, even restrictive Type 2 and 3 subject PoSTs should be yours for the requestin’ until May 23rd. Did you somehow anger ROSI? Try requesting it again online. And if you have trouble doing that, come into your registrar’s office and we should be able to sort out how to you can get into your summer courses. (The deadline to pay your fees passed yesterday though! Oops!)

    Remember that the proper subject PoSt combo is a major and two minors, a specialist or a double major. So even if you added another minor that you didn’t particularly care for (Type 1), you could register for summer classes. In fact, maybe this is the entire problem?

    I just blew your “mine” a little, didn’t I?

    xoxo, Askastudent

  • geography,  summer

    we are the world

    Hey aska, I’m considering enrolling in the GGR216 intensive course which is supposed to be offered during the summer semester from mid-May to early-June. How many assignments should I expect to complete? Has UofT offered these before? Also, what’s the job market like in early June after the course is over? Will I be crushed in my quest for knowledge? Help!



    Hey Dan! The Geography Man!

    The summer intensive courses are indeed new this year. They seem…intense. Since your class which normally would be four months is condensed into three weeks (!), you will have class from Monday to Thursday from 10-12, with a much higher reading schedule and workload. I assume that the general workload might be the same as a half credit (usually that’s two tests and an essay, or two essays and two tests…), but I’m not sure exactly what the deal is going to be, timing-wise. The best person to talk to about this would be the Geography Program.

    In terms of the job market after June and life after graduation, that is anyone’s guess. It probably depends on what you want to do Dan, and how you want to go about pursuing it. If that means more school, or graduate studies, you will need to get references from your professors and try your hand at some research projects or academic publishing. If you want to work in a more practical field, you should apply for a fall internship when you are done school.

    I think generally it is hard to get a job after graduation, but not for those who are dedicated to their field and are willing to work for free or volunteer in order to get there. If you are passionately engaged in an experience doing something you love, the job will come. Know what I mean, Dan?

    xoxo, Askastudent

  • summer

    School’s out for summer (sike)

    hey aska

    i am in first year life science. i had a question about taking a course in the summer. i want to take psychology. but i am unsure about whether to take it in second semester or in summer. I would have biology with it and other 3 courese. so including psy i will have 5. in summer i am planning on taking a different biology cuz i didnt take it this term. what would you suggest? taking psycholgy in the winter semester or in the summer? Your suggestion/advice is much appreciated 🙂

    Thank you 🙂


    Heyo Freshy Life Sci,

    My first concern with this question is that the course calendar for the summer session hasn’t been determined yet (and won’t be, until well into next semester). Meaning that you can’t be sure what courses are going to be offered for you to take this summer. Check out the calendar from last summer, so you can get an idea of what might be offered.

    If you’re are considering taking both of your summer school courses in the same summer term, then it might be too much to handle. From what I understand, summer school courses prove to be tougher than those in the regular school year, as they are throwing the same amount of information into a smaller period of time. So taking two courses that are regularly hard, might be the death of you.

    I would probably suggest making an appointment with someone in your registrar’s office. They can look at your specific courses and tell what would be best for you.

    P.s I’m scared for your sanity. There’s a reason why there is a summer. No School. It makes sense to take summer school if you’re down credits, but you might actually need that time to recover from a full semester of Life Sci mayhem.

    Peace and Love baby,

  • courses,  summer,  timetable

    school’s out for summer (not really)

    Hello there,

    I would like to know if we are allowed to take half credits that basically last only a semester during the summer session. My plan is to take 2 half credits in the first semester, a total of 1 credit, finish off, and then leave the country mid-summer for good (as an international student)

    Thank you!


    Dear Ms. International,

    Both full year and half courses are offered in the summer session. Though the dates aren’t posted yet for Summer 2011 (that sounds so futuristic, doesn’t it?), last year’s first term began May 10th and ended June 18th, with final exams and tests running until June 25th.

    Then you can escape off to Europe and find yourself! (I recommend eating currywurst.)

    xoxo, Askastudent

  • commerce,  economics,  summer

    no way, ECO100 as popular as Mr. Aska? riiiiiiiight…

    Hi, I am a first year commerce student, and I cant seem to shake a nervous twitch. In order to get into second year commerce, I needed to take ECO100, which I did, but dropped to take it in the summer for better grades. Today was the first day to enroll in summer courses, and after being just 2 hours late after the doors opened on ROSI, I was put on the waiting list in spot 30 behind 120 being accepted.

    This obviously isn’t fresh news, and I’m sure many students have had the same problem. However at the risk of my guaranteed acceptance into second year commerce, I cant help but feel uneasy. If anyone has any experience dealing with this sort of situation and can offer me any advice or solutions, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you.


    I understand how you feel, but the only way students can enroll in a course is through ROSI, and neither Commerce nor your college registrar can override this. There?s not much you can do ? that is, unless you?re willing to seek out the 30 students who are ahead of you on the waitlist and bribe them to let you take the course *hint hint nudge nudge wink wink*.

    Rumour has it that after the first few days of summer course enrollment, extra spots were added for all sections of ECO100. In fact, I JUST checked ROSI and all the ECO100 lecture sections have 150+ spots now! So I?m guessing that you?ve already been enrolled in the course. Hmm. I never knew ECO100 was this popular. What? Am I jealous? *aska rolls his eyes unconvincingly* I’ll bet my job ECO100 isn’t as popular as me… wait… wha-what do you mean I’m fired?

    If you?re not enrolled in the course, you may have reason to worry. For some reason, students have been craaaaazy about taking economics in summer school this year.? I highly recommend talking to your college to find out the backup options available. For example, it may be possible to take an economics course from another campus or University and have it count towards the entry requirement for Commerce. If not, perhaps you could forgo the guarantee for now, and apply later to commerce as a regular Arts and Science student. Either way, you should definitely talk to your registrar.

  • summer,  UTM,  UTSC

    we can get physical later

    Long time reader, first time askaing. I am a St. George Campus student (geography major) and wanted to know if I can take summer classes at Mississauga or Scarborough. They offer different classes from St. George, and a change of scenery would be nice. Is there a place on the St. George campus where a physical copy of the summer programs offered at the other campuses can be picked up.

    Thank you


    You sure can. However, you definitely want to do your research first. Talk it out with both your college registrar AND your departmental advisor (so geography in this case). You will want to make sure that the credits you take will actually count towards your program. Be wary of prerequisites and exclusions. The UTSC and UTM course lists will not specify what St. George courses count as prerequisites and exclusions. It is up to YOU to find out whether or not the courses you have will let you take the course you want to take at UTSC/UTM.

    Like I said, talk it out with your college registrar. Nothing?s worse than wasting a $500 bucks, and a summer on top of that.

    The St. George summer course list is not actually finalized yet, but when it DOES come out, you can pick up a copy at your local convenience sto?uh, college registrar. If you?re impatient like me, you can always just print out a copy of the online preliminary list.

    Kudos to you for being a faithful fan.