• courses,  enrollment,  important dates,  wait list

    honey, won’t you let me in?

    Hi, I am a first year student at UofT and have been trying to enroll in a class that has been full for some time. I was on a wait-list for 2 weeks but now I know that wait-lists have been removed. Is there any last ditch efforts I can make before Sunday to try to get in? I already emailed the professor and he told me he does not have the authority to enroll me even if I am eager and that I will have to try to enroll all week if someone should drop out. Well I already knew this. Can I go to the department and ask them to enroll me in person? What other steps can I take to try to get in?
    Thanks for any help!


    Hi there,

    I?m in the same boat as you for the fourth year in a row- perched over ROSI at all times like a hawk, hoping to edge out the competition for a seat that might not ever present itself. If you can find someone in the class who is planning to drop, sit with them when they do it on ROSI so that you can jump in and take the spot right as it appears.??Yup, my friend, that?s about as much as you can do after waitlists drop.

    Your prof is correct that neither he/she nor the department have the ability to enrol you, nor does your registrar. Those larger Faculties who do have that power are notorious for holding firm to their commitment to ROSI, no matter how much of a storm you kick up. And to be honest, first years are seen to have all of the time in the world to figure out their degree, so you won’t get much sympathy.

    But take heart! Next year you’ll get to sign up earlier and you’ll have a better shot of getting into classes. It’s easy to panic about not having the courses you feel like you need, but program and degree requirements at U of T leave enough room to make up for it when things like this happen. In the meantime, take something fun, fill a breadth requirement, explore the city a bit if you’re from out of town, and relax!

    Good luck and don’t sweat it!


  • courses,  enrollment,  ROSI

    rosi round the clock

    WHY WOULD ROSI NEED HOURS?? For god sakes.? If it’s available on the Internet why can you only access SWS during their “hours of operation” like it’s a brick and mortar business.? This information would be available anytime in any other university with a website similiar to this.? ?Argghh.

    I just need to find out if I got my first choice elective or if they went with my second/third/fourth choice.? Need to decide if I can register for this other course? that’s taking place at another school in their continuing education department.? ?It’s scheduled the same time/day as this first choice elective that I don’t even know I’m taking because ROSI is down.



    First off, deep breaths, you?ll work it out, I promise. Probably have by now, actually, since ROSI is open for students as we speak 🙂

    In answer to your question: Despite seeming like a magical, mysterious energy network which floats through the air, internet technologies do depend on real hardware to function. And while it might not actually be a ?series of tubes?, that hardware does have a limit to its capacity. ROSI doesn?t just go home to her family and kids between hours of operation. Rather, she spends all night slaving away to process the stuff that she had to take on during the day, as well as add new data and undergo maintenance. If the software were to attempt to simultaneously let students register and process all her data, she would glitch up and shut down way more often, and you?d probably be even more frustrated!

    And even if she weren?t at work 24/7, can?t a girl take a night off once in a while to kick back with some Golden Girls and Ben & Jerry?s? Sheesh!

    Good luck!


  • arts & sciences,  dropping courses,  enrollment,  important dates,  ROSI,  wait list

    wait me up before you go go


    I am a polisci major and i need a canadian politics course, it’s part of the requirement. However my course registration started when I had to be at? work , where i normally don’t have acess to computers, so I had to borrow it from somebody else… i was in a rush to give it back because i was interupting thier work.. long story short in my rush I entered the wrong course code , signing up for us politics instead of canadian and it was two weeks before i caught my mistake. by the time i dropped the us poltics and signed up for the canadian politics i was 36 on the waitlist of 250. now i moved up to 14 but with only 5 days left for waitlists to dropp what are my chances of getting in before
    than? thanks



    Hi Harini,

    Girl, I feel you on this one! At my lowest of lows, I was doing course registrations on a borrowed cell phone, stealing wi-fi from the Whitney Museum of Art seven hours after my start time. On another occasion, I dropped the wrong course because two of my course titles contained amphersands (thanks, Literary Studies, for the worst course titles ever). What I?m saying is, we?ve all got stories like yours, and we’ve all felt pretty hopeless about our waitlist position.

    I seem to have misplaced my crystal ball today, so I can only surmise about your chances of getting into the course. Like you said, waiting lists drop away on September 16th this year, and 14 spaces is a good bit to move before that happens. However, I’ve heard of much dimmer prospects coming through, so it really could happen! If you’re still not enrolled after the waitlists drop, watch ROSI like a hawk and jump on that space when it inevitably opens up- that’s also been done! Here’s everything you’ve ever wanted to know about waitlists, minus whether you’ll actually get off of one.

    Additionally, it’s really a great idea to go to the first day of class, introduce yourself to the professor and get his or her email address. Unfortunately, profs are pretty helpless when it comes to getting you into the class, no matter how much they like you. Still, it’s important that if you do get in, you’ve already had access to readings and lectures you might have missed. I also feel like you get some kind of karmic priority by being a goodie two-shoes like that.

    Good luck, and remember that you can always take the course the next time it’s offered, at which time you’ll have more credits and a better shot at getting in. And remember, you’re not the only one suffering from this same issue! Solidarity forever!


  • enrollment

    was left out in grade 2 tag and now being left out of enrollment categories


    This is in reference to the course enrollment. I am a second year student.?I was recently checking for spaces in certain classes but a few of them?prompted the message “you do not fit in the enrollment category”. However,?I have completed the prerequisites for all those courses and they aren’t?restricted to majors/minors. For example, eco105 prompts that message and I?need to complete that requirement for the my major this year. Most GGR?courses and INI235 are giving similar messages even when I meet all the?requirements. I need to do all these courses for my majors and minors but I?havent heard about my subject post yet. I’m hoping you can help me out with?this issue. This got me slightly worried. Looking forward to your reply.



    Hey Little Miss/Mr Slightly Worried,

    Your barrier seems to be the Subject POSts. For example INI235 has these enrollment controls. You have to be in one of those subject POSts in order to enrol in the course.

    So, you either have to wait for your Subject POSt invitations or until the enrollment categories are lifted.

    If you’re still concerned I would just give your registrar’s office a shout and they can look at ROSI from the secret back side and see if you are being restricted for other reasons.

    None of us like to be left out, I’m sorry this is happening you. Hold strong my friend.

    forever yours,


  • enrollment

    i’m late, i’m late for a very important enrolment

    I’ve been trying to change courses for the past 2 days because I’m currently enrolled in only 3 course and want 4-5. However, every time I try to add a course, ROSI tells me I cannot add/modify/delete classes at this time. I believe the deadline for changing courses is tomorrow and I need to change classes ASAP. Please help!


    Hey white rabbit,

    So this isn’t as much of a panic as you might think. The last day to add ‘S’ courses is Januray 22nd and the waitlists close on January 15th and then its a free for all. So there is definitely some time.

    Saying that, it’s really hard to tell what the problem is without invading your privacy and looking into your ROSI account. It could really be an endless amount of reasons, from the course itself you are trying to enrol in or something wrong with your account.

    You need to call, email or go into your registrar’s office and have them figure it out for you. They are the masterminds of the behind the scenes of ROSI.

    and GO!

    forever yours,


  • enrollment

    I want to be a Philosophical Musician

    Hi there,

    I’m a music student about to do an internal transfer into a BA @ StG (will be completing my BMus this year, and transferring “retained” credits into the BA), and I was wondering if a 5.5 credits/year was too much of an academic load. The BA I’ve charted out for myself is a double major in Trin’s ESL program and Philosophy and it ends up working out to 5.5 credits per year. I’m not too concerned because some of the course content will overlap (especially concerning ethics, morales, politics, etc). I was wondering if I’m just crazy, or if this is doable? I’m especially concerned about the later years, as by that time, I won’t be doing hunky dory 100-level courses, which I’m able to manage this year.



    Yo Yo Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Musician

    Technically you can take up to 6 credits worth, but after that you will have to seek permission from the school.

    It’s hard to judge as I don’t know your work ethics and what kind of grades you’re hoping to obtain. Generally speaking I would say to just throw a couple of those courses into summer school.That way you’ll be able to focus on getting better grades in the courses you’re taking, not stress as much and potentially still have a shred of a social life

    If you’re dead set on taking 5.5 credits, I would suggest looking into the courses that you are taking and pair up some of the less intense ones in the semester you’re taking an extra class. The anti-calendars‘ an awesome resource that allows you to see other student’s opinions. If some of the easier courses aren’t prereqs for your other courses, take them later when the courses start to get really hard and not ‘honky dory’ as you said.

    Good luck, ambitious one!

  • enrollment,  history,  St. George

    making history

    Hi there,

    I am crazy about history but UTSC offers about 1/1000 of the number of courses offered downtown.

    Now being from UTSC means ROSI won’t let me see what courses downtown are full or what courses have a waitlist so I was hoping someone whose home campus is downtown could tell me what the situation was for the following courses.


    On a minor note, is HIS301H1 a full credit?

    I thank you in advance for your help 🙂


    Ooh, a history buff! I hope along with your knowledge of the Cold War, you have a buff bod as well. (New rule on Askastudent, questioners must submit full body shots.) Uh, anyways here is the answers to your waitlist woes. HIS 301H1 for the record, is a half credit, hence the “H” designiation. (Full year courses are “Y” courses.) It is offered in the spring semester at St. George, time TBD.

    Now the fun part!

    HIS301H1 – “S”, 21 students on the waitlist for 75 spots
    HIS314H1 – “F”, course has been canceled!
    HIS345H1 – not being offered this year! Did you even look at the timetable this year?
    HIS384H1 – ditto
    HIS385H1 “S”, 18 students on the waitlist for 120 spots

    Hope that helps. You so owe me, dude.

    xoxo, Askastudent

  • enrollment,  money

    i go here, really!

    Is there another way to get proof of enrolment without having to go to the campus, I need it for a student loan application, and the bank will not accept my acceptance letter as proof, and I live about four hundred and fifty kilometres away from Toronto.


    You will have to contact your college registrar to get them to write you a letter of enrollment. This is pretty standard procedure, for student loan applications, blood donor transfusions and ways of scamming elderly millionaires of their estates (just kidding!), but college registrars are often busy in peak times of years, such as these, and it may take time to get them to write you a letter and either mail or fax it to you. Contact your registrar here.

    Otherwise you could get a U of T tat branded onto your ass and flash your teller? Who knows, it could work.

    xoxo, Askastudent

  • enrollment,  GPA,  probation

    it’s all those numbers…

    hey.. I am currently in second year. I was on probation and this semester i pulled up my gpa to 1.88 but the problem is that i did not take one final exam. the make up is in feb. I want to know if i will be assessed after taking that final exam or anytime soon as i have completed 4 utm credits now. secondly it says on the site that if you were on probation and deferred an exam you will not be able to enroll in courses unless your status is decided. Although my GPA is above the required GPA and i have also completed 4 credits, i am afraid they will drop me out of all courses as my status is still blank on rosi. Like will i have to waste on semester because of this deferral? t says that students are assessed as soon as they complete 4 utm credits and then i also read about not being allowed to enroll in courses unless you have settled your deferral.
    I also wanted to know that utm students are allowed to enroll in courses downtown after completing 4 credits. but what is the minimum GPA requirement for that.? Please help me out i am really confused. Thank you