• sociology

    how to start off in soc


    I was wondering if you know if there is much difference in course content between SOC101 and SOC102/SOC103? I was under the impression that SOC102+SOC103 were slightly more focussed in terms of depth, etc., but I might be wrong.

    Also, are there any advantages to taking one or the other, other than flexibility?





    As someone who took SOC101Y, I say take SOC102H/103H.

    But as for the differences between the two… well, past the whole “one is year-long, the other two are half courses,” I’d say nothing. I consulted with a bunch of people, and everyone basically says they’re not particularly different in terms of content.

    I TRIED to consult with the soc department, but no one has gotten back to me.

    (Hence the wait for this answer.)

    Anyhow, I think the advantages of taking the two half credits are

    a) Come April, you’re not scrambling to remember what the heck you learned in October.

    b) The grading system is probably something different from this.

    c) Not sure if this is an advantage of not, but there you get two different sets of Breadth Requirements. SOC101Y gives you 0.5 in Groups 2 and 3, whereas SOC102H and 103H are both Group 3s.

    d) You’re not bound to something for a whole (academic) year. If come November you decide Sociology isn’t your thing, you’re free to drop SOC103H in the next term and replace it with something that might wow you.

    Not trying to be biased — please don’t think I am. I just genuinely think that taking two half credits is easier than a Y course.



  • criminology,  sociology

    suffering through a 62

    So basically I wanted to apply to Sociology or Criminology which requires a 63 in socio101, but I happened to get a 62…
    Realistically what are the chances that I get in?



    What calendar were you reading?? For sociology, you need at least a 65. And for criminology, you need at least a 70 average between 2.0 FCE in SOC and some other categories like ECO, PSY, and PHL.

    To be honest, with a 62 I don’t think you’ll be able to get into criminology unless you have a pretty fabulous grade in, say, ECO100Y, to boost your average. As much as criminology calls for just a 70, it’s a competitive program and you should at least try to get higher than that. As for sociology… I’d like to say that requirements are usually pretty rigid — so if you don’t meet the 65 they ask for, then you have to wait until you get the 65 they ask for. BUT, there’s always that “oh, just appeal to the department” option sooo.

    HOWEVER, sociology clearly states in the calendar that just having the asked for grade might not be enough, so don’t get your hopes too high.

    But yeah, I took SOC101Y myself many moons ago and bam, 67. Let me tell you what, I hated that class with the fire of a thousand burning suns. Power to you for getting through it and then deciding sociology is what you wanted to be in. 🙂



  • sociology,  subject POST

    the persisting problem of POSts


    I am a transfer student from McGill university, currently completing my fourth year of studies. I was at McGill for three semesters, transferred to UofT? St. George, and am now in my fourth semester here! At McGill I was a sociology major (you only need one major + one minor there), and I now am short four sociology courses. I plan on doing these all this summer, but I am technically not enrolled in the Sociology major on ROSI. I took the equivalent of SOC102 at McGill and just completed SOC103 this semester. My average from those two courses is greater than 65%, so if all goes well, I should be able to enroll in the Soc major on ROSI. However, my question to you is: will I be able to request enrollment into the Soc major before the start date for enrollment in summer 2013 courses?! If this all works out, I will be able to graduate after the summer.

    HELP! 😀

    I just want to graduate already


    Hey hey!

    Okay so enrollement for summer courses usually begins around mid-April, while the first day to request a Subject POSt is usually at the beginning of April. Now since Sociology is a Type 2 Subject POSt, you’ll be admitted into the program (assuming you meet the requirements) any time between then and around the end of June — although I’m sure that’ll happen around May.

    So yes, you’ll be able to request the POSt, but I don’t know if you’ll actually be invited into the program before the day enroll in classes.

    However, I’m a little confused as to why you’re not in a Subject POSt yet if you’ve done four semesters here at UofT… Once you have 4.0 FCE you kind of need to have a Subject POSt declared.

    gung ho for grad,

  • anti-calendar,  polisci,  sociology,  UTM

    why is there no UTM anti-calendar?

    im wondering if you might have knowledge/some book guide that would talk of the ‘preferred’ courses that are taken in second year for political sci and sociology at UTM?
    any info would be helpful
    guide as in ‘best prof to take or course’

    thank you in advance


    Apologies beforehand, as I am using your question as a jumping off point to discuss why UTM doesn’t have an anti-calendar. Normally I would be able to point you to the resource, which does offer criticism on instructors, easiness and cvetching with the course. However, UTM’s regular anti-calendar hasn’t been updated since 2005, and the only courses it does discuss are for programs in anthropology, biology, culture communication and technology and chemical and physical sciences. WTF?

    Your best bet might be to go on the dreaded Rate My Professor, and see if any of the courses you want to take also match a well-loved prof. (Bonus points if there’s a chili pepper next to their name.) Otherwise, maybe contacting the Political Science or Sociology programs is the best thing to do? Both have academic counsellors there.

    But hey Aska Readers, have you taken these classes? Any poli sci/sociology majors at UTM reading? Help a Aska out and comment with advice.

    xoxo, Askastudent

  • courses,  sociology

    is ROSI a social experiment?


    I will be entering my second year in utsc and have (only seconds ago) logged myself onto rosi to enrol in the courses i plan on taking for this coming fall/winter. However, as i tried to enroll in Social Statistics and Sociological Theory II, a message appeared in bold letters – “You do not fit in any enrolment category”. I am uncertain of what this message may mean; i have recently applied to become a major in sociology but my status have not been approved yet. The two courses (in which i would like to take) are perquisites if i would like to presue my degree. What can i do??? I have heard from others that rosi will open the remaining spaces avalible on a certain date. Do you know when that may be??? Thanks.

    Oh yes, and what does “The space availability information is displayed accurately (as of the time of access) for your enrolment category” mean? Your enrolment category? I don’t really get this…


    Hey there. It’s cool if you don’t get stuff sometimes. U of T is a major quagmire of all intellectual reason, at least administration-wise, which is pretty ironic for a hollowed institution that prides itself on higher learning. But I digress…

    The magic date, for all courses to open is as discussed, AUGUST 6TH. According to the Calendar, Social Statistics has prerequisities that you have to have taken in order to be eligible to take the class, as does Sociological Theory 2.

    Here’s what they say:

    SOCB06H3 Social Statistics
    A consideration of elementary statistics including the summarizing of data, the logic of statistical decision-making and a number of common statistical tests. Statistics is a basic tool used by sociologists. An understanding of statistics is necessary for the student who wants to become an informed reader of social research. A working knowledge of elementary algebra is required. However, the lecturer will undertake brief reviews of mathematics as the need arises.
    Breadth requirement: Quantitative Reasoning
    Limited enrolment: 170
    Exclusion: ANTC35H, ECMB09Y, ECMB11H, PSYB07H, SOC202H, (SOC300Y), STAB22H
    Prerequisite: SOCA01H & SOCA02H

    SOCB43H3 Classic Sociological Theory II
    The development of classic sociological theory from the end of the 19th century to the eve of World War II. Special emphasis is placed on the work of Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and Georg Simmel.
    Breadth requirement: History, Philosophy & Cultural Studies
    Limited enrolment: 170
    Exclusion: SOC203Y
    Prerequisite: SOCA01H & SOCA02H & SOCB42H

    Is it possible you’ve either not taken the prerequisites or already taken the exclusionary courses? This would cause you not to be eligible for the course. It’s either that, or because you are not registered in the subject PoST, that other older SOC students have priority for the class. In either case, you must wait it out and try and register on AUGUST 6TH. Feel free to contact the UTSC Sociology program here.

    xoxo, Askastudent

  • choosing,  courses,  first year,  sociology

    need help double major in soc and psych

    i recently have been accepted to UofT st.George and i am preeety confused with the course selections could you please help me and tell me what courses are mandatory for me to take for this to happen


    According to the 2010 Calendar (my super BFF), to enroll in the Psychology major, students must have a senior year high school Calc course or equivalent, 4 university classes in whatever, and received at least 70% in PSY 100H1. (Plus a GPA of 2.5 or higher.)

    To enroll in the Sociology major, there are two sexy options which I shall detail.

    Option 1! (the one that applies to you!)

    1. Minimum grade of 65% in SOC 101y, or average of 65% in SOC102/103H1.

    2. 3 full course in whatever (not only SOC.)

    Option 2! (ignore this option as it doesn’t apply to you)

    1. Mark of 72% in two 300 level SOC classes.

    2. GPA of 3.0 (73-76%)

    3. 3 additional credits in whatever.

    Therefore young first year, you should take PSY 100H1 and either SOC101Y or SOC 102/103H in your first year of study. If you’re going full time, you have one to three classes more of your choice.

    Additional helpful sites:

    Psychology For First Years

    Sociology For First Years

    Justin Bieber’s Twitter Account

    Hope that helps.

    xoxo, askastudent

  • polisci,  sociology

    Your daily dose of misogyny.

    I know you are probably sick of these questions about courses however I have a serious (in my opinion) predicament. I was thinking of taking Sociology this year however my brother and father both told me it is a useless girly course and that I should take Politics instead. So I am currently signed up for POL108Y1Y, I was just wondering… do you have to write a lot of essays in that course? No can seem to provide me with an answer. Also is Sociology really that bad???

  • health,  sociology

    rescheduling due to blood loss

    I was just wondering if you could help me.
    I woke up today and realized that im sick,runny nouse,cant open my eyes,I know
    its just a cold but I got soc101 test tomorrow , so I dont know what should I
    do. Feeling really shity. On top of that i fell of the stairs few days ago,it
    was bleeding and still hurts,…anyways thank you.