• choosing,  english,  humanities

    How ?bout teaching art history? in English?

    I am about to go into first year and at first was excited about going to UofT, but now…I’m not so sure. I’m going into English and Art History, but more and more I keep on thinking that I’m going to just end up waisting four years on something that will in the end be entirely useless! I’m not a brain, I can’t do math or science for shit. What the hell can I do with a BA in Art History and English?
    Please, don’t suggest teaching, I hate children.


  • choosing,  getting involved

    tutors and tutees

    What’s kicking, Aska?

    I’m going into third year in September and I’d like to be like a mentor or a tutor or something for some 1st or 2nd year students. I’m not looking to get paid for this, and I’m also not looking to associate with anyone other than U of T students (IE that high school thing they’re always advertising at Sid Smith is out). Any suggestions aska? I’m a philosophy major and my GPA kicks ass… if either of those things matter…


  • chem,  choosing,  physics,  tutorials

    from top to bottom: the journey of the student

    I’m doing first year life science and is it ever a kick in the pants. I come from top of my class and am probably near the bottom here. If my TA is completely useless where do you suggest I go to get help in Chemistry or Physics? I’m also concerned about applying to second year programs…what kind of of marks do they look for, how hard is it to compete for a space?