• languages,  registration

    when you only take French for flirting

    I want to take FSL 102 HI in my first year studies this September, and I’ve
    taken the online placement test from the language department website. I
    received an email that said I should register in FSL 221 Y?and that to keep a
    copy of the email to show to my instructor during the first week of classes.
    Does this mean I have to take FSL 221 instead of FSL 102? Could I still take
    FSL 102?


  • courses,  languages,  registration

    honesty designators: special topics, boring topics, off-topics

    Hey askastudent, hope all is well =)i was just wondering, what if i were to take
    a FCS290 course called “Special Topics 1” and lets say that in the 2007-2008
    school year this “special topic” was French music. Then, lets say that FCS290
    is also offered in the 2008-2009 school year, but the topic this time is French
    art. would i be able to take the french art one if i had already taken the first
    one on “music”. well thats my question, thanks a million =)

  • registration

    today’s priorities: eat granola bars, make potato salad, DANCE

    Hey askastudent,

    The enrollment controls are driving me crazy.  Why doesn’t interdisciplinary
    programs like Urban Studies and Equity Studies (programs I am in) get priority
    in their courses that are outside of our department – except for a couple
    courses for Urban Studies in Geography?  While programs like IR and PACs have
    priority in a whole bunch of courses outside their department.  I feel like a
    lesser citizen!  Why can’t Equity Studies grow some balls and take over some

    So, what are my chance of getting into 3rd 4th year courses after the priority
    period is over?

    Cheers 🙂

  • registration,  summer

    there’s nothing funny about summer school…unless your prof wears a speedo to class

    just wondering..
    how do you choose summer school courses and when? do they fill up really quick?

    guess what kids? the arts and science final summer timetable is now listed online! let’s take a look…
    step one: choosing your courses
    to select from a vast array of super-cool courses, please take a look-see at the final course listings by department. at the largest university in canada, there’s gotta be something that tickles your fancy. unless you’re a cinema studies student! then you’re screwed! isn’t academia fun?
    remember to keep an eye out for priority enrolment controls on course listings. those fancy waiting lists will be available for “f” and “y” courses from april 16 to may 16, and july 3rd for “s” courses.
    step two: what year am i? (if you have to ask…) and enrolling online:
    check out the link above to find out what year you are deemed according to course load. here’s a play by play:
    14.0 credits and above – congrats! you’re in fourth year. this is terrifying.
    9 to 13.5 credits – third
    4 to 8.5 – second
    less than 4.0 – first!
    you will enrol for classes on ROSI. (duh.) view your start time on april 5th. the following times of enrolment per school year are as follows:
    4th year – you can start at 6 AM (fun)
    3rd year – 7:15 AM
    2nd year – 11 AM
    1st year – 2:30 PM
    non-degree – 4 PM
    and uh, read all this stuff about waiting lists
    step 3: give up the cash-money
    pay your fees by may 7. after may 11th…interest.
    summer OSAP is also available. ask your registrar for details.
    step 4: go to school (fools)
    anyways – that’s all she wrote. classes do tend to fill up (depending on what they are). but there’s really only one or two good summer classes at any given time.
    cheers, askastudent

  • business,  new kids,  registration,  ROSI

    classic aska feature :how to register (read your registration handbook!)

    alright first years. i know that you might be feeling a little nervous for Tuesday, August 1st when you register for courses. unfortunately i won’t be here to help you out, since i’ll be on the road to lovely cleveland, ohio. so i’ve prepared an ultra-detailed, idiot proof guide to registering for courses on your first day and what to expect when trying to tame the awful she-beast that is ROSI.

  • registration

    how course enrolment ‘works’

    Okay, so while checking out the spaces in all of the courses I had intended to take for first year I have found that pretty much every single one of them is full.

    What do I do? I need to take these courses as prerequisites for my major, how is it that they are full if first years don’t register til August first?
    Or is it just that only a certain number of spaces were released and those are already full and there will still be room when we go to register?

    Help aska!

  • profs,  registration,  SMC203Y

    charming your way into classes you’re not qualified for

    Hi there. Kudos to you for the great site. I want to take POL208Y1 but I neither have the “one full POL course” or “4.0 credits in the Faculty of A&S” as the pre-requisite(s. My only savior here seems to be “permission of the instructor”. Please guide me as to how do I go through getting that permission, and the contents of the e-mail/letter (if I need to write one). Thanks.

  • distribution,  easy,  registration,  ROSI,  science

    waitasec…’location:URGENT’…where is URGENT? can I take a boat there?

    Location: URGENT

    just wondering if there are any science courses that would count for my distribution requirement that are drop dead easy. I don’t really care for sciences and desperately want to get this requirement over and done with asap. i know that the university does outline a bunch but they most got crap ratings on the anti calendar. are there any u recommend or based on what you’ve heard. how about ZOO 214??? HELP! i have to register on ROSI in 6 DAYS! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

    > thanks askastudent =)

  • registration,  ROSI

    start time smells

    how are start times even decided? are they by alphabetical order???? or what?

    can u tell me a bit about the start times we each get for ROSI? What is the earliest/latest for first year students? and do u know of any nice, easy soc sci or sci courses u want to share with me as i am a language student.

    VIVA ITALIA!!!!!!-Campioni del mondo!!!!!! Quattro Stelle!!!!!!