Hi Askastudent,I am a Commerce student. I have a few questions regarding to my November graduation.
I am not doing so well in my program that I only have CGPA of 1.82. In order to graduate, I need at least 1.85. I know that I have to pull up my CGPA. But what would happen if my CGPA is still lower than 1.85?? Can I still graduate?
Another thing is that I am leaving the country by the end of August and I want to take my graduation photo before that. Do you know where and to whom I could contact for graduation photo taking?? Also, after I have taken the graduation photo, is it possible to ask UT to send it to me to the place I live in?? By the way, I live in China.
The last question is that I need to know all my marks before I leave the country. So do you know when is the earliest time I could check my mark on ROSI?? Is it a week after exam? or two weeks? If there is any mistake on the course mark, when is the earliest time I could get it corrected?
By the way, does school close immediately after all summer exams are done??
I am really sorry for leaving you a whole bunch of stupid questions, but I desperately need their answers so…
Many many thanks and I will appreciate for your answers.