• admissions,  english,  grades

    like, how particular is particular?

    So, I stumbled across this website while Googling (Google is your best friend…sometimes) and found the answers to my questions. Well, most of them anyway. There is just one thing I want to clarify. I applied to the Humanities Program at UofT. The Viewbook says that the university pays particular attention to my English marks. Now, I ended up with an 82 in the course (bear with me, I know you don’t like to hear about marks), and with my teacher that is about the best mark ever (according to my guidence councilor). With a different teacher, I could have ended up with a 90. So, what are my chances? Is 82 considered scratch-my-eyes-out horrible or passable? I know that it isn’t spectacular, so I’m not even going to go there. I have exhausted all possible resources available to me. So, please help me out. Before I hemorrhage out of sheer anxiety.

    Thanks much.


  • choosing,  english,  humanities

    How ?bout teaching art history? in English?

    I am about to go into first year and at first was excited about going to UofT, but now…I’m not so sure. I’m going into English and Art History, but more and more I keep on thinking that I’m going to just end up waisting four years on something that will in the end be entirely useless! I’m not a brain, I can’t do math or science for shit. What the hell can I do with a BA in Art History and English?
    Please, don’t suggest teaching, I hate children.


  • english,  repeating course

    quit your whining and pick up a book

    Uh, sorry to bug you like 10 minutes after I just submitted my first question(LOL) … but I just thought of another question. Needs answering, okay?!?!Alright so is Humanities really a useless stream to pursue? =[ In particular,English? Apparently the only thing to be is a teacher/professor … and thatdoesn’t sound appealing AT ALL.Noone has told me anything that I could be if I major in English.. thatprobably means I’m screwed. Fabulous … it’s a shame because I love creativewriting but come on, writing for the rest of my life? Uhh…


  • admissions,  english,  grades

    mesa needsa tudor

    Hello! I’m in grade 11, and i want to go to univercity of toronto for Life
    science. My average now is 86. all my marks are above 85 except English and
    Physics. I know that U of T particularly look at the mark for English and Math.
    I have 97 in math… and i suck at English… does it really matter in Gr 12
    that my english mark needs to be over 85? I just dont think i can do it…all
    my other subjects can be above 87 for sure…so does anyone have any great
    ideas about how to get into u of t with a low english mark? Thanks a lot

  • courses,  distribution,  english

    some times generic can still be great…the rundown, perhaps?

    If I got an ENG100H1 credit and a generic ENG1*** credit from my AP exams (which
    I did), should I bother taking JEF100, or should I just take a second year Lit
    course? Is there a really huge difference between first and second year English
    I ask because now these AP credits count towards my 6 first year course
    maximum, and I still need my science distribution credit. Or if I can take my
    science distribution next year, it would be nice to have a backup course in
    case I decide I want to change my program after first year.

  • courses,  easy,  english

    i’d take ‘ninj304: getting repeatedly punched in the face by Meg White’…so worth it

    hey askastudent! As a confused new kid here, I am trying to plan my timetable
    for the first year of university. So far, I have planned 3 full year courses,
    and I would like to plug in some easy half credit courses. Is ENG100H1
    (effective writing) an easy course? The description sounds helpful towards my
    future writing. Or,do you have any suggestions for easy half credit courses?
    Thanks a lot, love this site!!

  • english,  subject POST,  timetable

    the lamest askastudent dialogue EVER

    hey aska, in order to do an english major, do i HAVE to take ENG201 or ENG202 in first year along with my 100-series course, or can i take 202 in second year after i’ve completed the first year course? i thought i had my timetable worked out wonderfully, since english is a type 1 POSt, but i’ve been reading around on the internet and people are saying its a big mistake not to take 201 or 202 in first year…. help!

  • distribution,  english

    distributing the pain

    What is meant by a Distribution Requirement for a Humanities major? Does it mean compulsory science courses? Furthermore, I now understand that it is no longer possible to do a Combined Specialist degree in English and History, but that it is possible to do a Combined Specialist in English and Philosophy or in History and Political Science. Is it possible to do a Specialist in English and a Major in History (or the other way around).