• co-op,  co-op management,  keeners,  management,  management,  UTM

    fOLLoW yOur HeaRT, [redacted]

    Hi this is [redacted]. I am sorry for contacting you but I am too desperate to get an answer for some of the questions that I have regarding UTM management and UTM commerce haha. Hope you would not mind:)

    I was recently accepted to study management at UTM in the upcoming Fall. I love the course and all that it has to offer but I can’t help thinking that there are better options such as Rotman Commerce, or even just UTM Commerce. I have been looking through Reddit post and people are saying that UTM Management is just not that impressive and is a low-risk low return kind of course. There are also no PEY or co-op for this course but the one thing that I really want to do at Uoft is to get a lot of internships/work experience during my college life. However I do not think UTM Management can provide me as much experience when compared with Rotman commerce/ UTM commerce. The only specializations that UTM management offered are Human Resources management and management which is very broad. On the other hand, The commerce program leads to specializations in accounting, finance, and marketing which are more employable than just pure management or pure commerce.

    I understand that I will have to do Management at UTM for my first year. But may I know is it easy to transfer to UTM commerce after first year? I also did not take any Calculus course in high school but I might consider getting tutorial on Calculus (not summer school/night school) before attending UTM. Now I was looking at your previous response and you mentioned that ‘MAT133Y5 recommends that you’ve already completed high school calculus (with at least a 70%) before taking the course.’ I do believe that I have a solid math background but I am not familiar with calculus, do you think tutor can help me get prepared for the course?

    Apart from that, is there anything that I need to look into before thinking about transferring from UTM management to UTM commerce? Or are there actually any advantage of studying Management over Commerce? My ultimate goal is basically just to work at a large company with a decent salary and nothing much. Will UTM management be able to give me that opportunity or will other courses provide a better prospect for my future career? Really sorry that I have so many questions. I am just pretty excited but also kind of worried that I am missing out on better opportunities. Just want to get a clearer picture of everything and I hope you would not mind giving me some guidance and suggestions. Thank you very much for your precious time!! (Love what you are doing btw:)))


    hey there,

    not gonna lie– i get kind of overwhelmed when people send me questions longer than medieval love letters. please don’t ever apologize for contacting me, though! this is what i do. just means i gotta break the question down a lil. let’s see what we got.

    is it easy to transfer to UTM commerce after first year?

    easy enough. in fact, i dunno if you’re aware of this, but you’re not actually a management student in first year. you’ve probably been admitted to a stream (management first-year admissions is my guess) with instructions to take certain courses; upon completing those courses in first year, you’ll then be eligible for admission to the actual management program. u of t runs using a POSt system, which stands for Program Of Study; all this means is that first years aren’t really in a major/minor/progam until they qualify, apply, and get accepted at the end of their first year.

    i’d check this over with the utm registrar to be safe, but as far as i’m aware, all you need to do to switch into commerce is take the commerce prerequisites and meet the grade threshold. you can find that info here. if you’re certain you want to be in commerce, you can probably take those prereqs right off the bat (instead of your management ones) to save you the trouble of switching over later on. but like i said, please confirm this with the registrar’s office! in my experience it’s been easy enough to switch around, but i don’t know if the programs you’re interested in have any quirks.

    can a tutor help you get prepped for calc?

    you are correct that calculus is important for MAT133Y5. i can’t give you a straight answer as to whether a tutor would be helpful– wouldn’t it depend on the quality of the tutor and the material you cover? i think in general, it would definitely be better than no calculus experience whatsoever. university math classes are pretty rough, and i would not advise you to enter into one without calculus. the best approach would probably be to have your tutor cover the calculus and vectors curriculum outlined in this pdf, and make sure you have all those concepts down. if you scroll down to page 101, you’ll see the curriculum i’m referring to.

    is there anything that you need to look into before transferring to UTM commerce?

    like i said, just check in with your registrar!

    are there actually any advantage of studying Management over Commerce?

    i am not an expert on this.

    i’d say someone at the department would know– maybe you could try contacting the academic advisor? the advice i, personally, can give you is simple: follow your heart, as cheesy as that sounds, and don’t trust everything you read on the internet. if i had believed every single redditor i came into contact with in high school, i would not have ended up at u of t. i’d say it’s more important to pursue your interests and excel at them than it is to drag your feet into a program that an internet stranger said was better. so that’s my take.

    you didn’t directly ask these questions, but you seemed to want guidance on it. out of the generosity and benevolence of my heart, i’ll cover them: 

    • can you get PEY and co-op opportunities in management? 

    it actually seems like the UTM management program offers a fourth-year internship course, MGT480H5, that will give you the kind of hands-on experience you seem to be hoping for. whether you’re in management or commerce, you’ll also be eligible for a new program (launching in fall! wow!). it’s called the certificate in effective business practices and leadership skills. details are here, should you be interested. if you’re admitted to the certificate, you’ll get to take part in a 4-month paid work placement, on top of other certificate requirements. fun stuff! ‘

    • will you end up at a large company with a decent salary?

    haha bold of you to assume climate change won’t getcha first

    all in all, though, i’m really glad you’re excited and looking into your options! best of luck with it all, and you know where to find me if you have any other questions. hope this was helpful.

    be Boundless,


  • anthropology,  subject POST,  UTM

    tis a learning process, i am learning

    I posted this before but didn’t make it clear I go to UTM, which made it confusing for you, I’m sorry. I would like to apply to the Anthropology Major (Science) program at the end of this school year. I am in my final year and will have completed all the requirements for the program by April 2020, however my CGPA is below a 2.00 at the moment and they require a 2.00 for program enrolment. I am not planning on doing any post-graduate studies, I just want to graduate.
    Would I still have a chance in any way to make it into the Anthropology Major (science) program if I were to apply today? Is there a letter I can write? What can I do? I am slowly bringing my crap average up from what it use to be, but it may not be above a 2 by April. It is a type 2 post, but has some requirements.


    hey there,

    got it! everything makes sense now. if a campus isn’t mentioned, my default is typically st. george, but i guess i should be looking things up for all three campuses when something doesn’t make sense. will keep that in mind for the future. thanks for being patient with meeee 🙂

    i see the 2.0 CGPA requirement you were referring to now. mainly, my answer remains the same: you will still need to wait until march 12 at the earliest to request your program. should you get admitted, you’d accept your enrolment between may 10 and july 26. so you still wouldn’t be able to graduate in anthropology for june.

    your best option is still to get in touch with the department and see if there’s anything that can be done. they’ll be the ones to advise you whether there are letters you can write, and tell you to whom you should be writing. i think you should also hit up your registrar— book an appointment with them and explain your situation. they might be aware of more possible avenues you can take, beyond what i can offer you.

    be Boundless,


  • clubs,  UTM


    Hi! I just recently accepted my offer to UTM and will (hopefully) be majoring in Criminology, Law and Society by the end of first year. However, my question has to do more with musical opportunities at UTM. I absolutely love singing and playing the piano and have enjoyed competing and performing throughout high school. I was wondering if there are any music clubs that I can join or courses that I can take as a non music faculty student during my time at UTM. Thanks!


    hello hello hellooooo,

    enormous congrats on accepting your offer! i sense … a future lawyer, maybe?

    well, maybe-future-lawyer, i hope the weather is as good where you are as it is for me right now. there’s something about sunshine and blue skies and cotton candy sunsets that make me feel like everything’s gonna be okay.

    anyway, i looked this up for ya– many of your options are listed here! a quick rundown on what we got:

    harmonix music club seems pretty cool– as far as i can tell, their focus seems to be on creating a very international/multicultural space for making music. i guess the idea is that music can unite people no matter their background or culture– or maybe that you need difference to produce beauty the same way you need different notes to make a harmony. wow! metaphors! maybe i’m reaching.

    into heavenly harmonies? the utm gospel choir might be a good option for you. they do monthly/bimonthly performances, and if there are openings you can join either as an instrumentalist or vocalist.

    there’s a straight-up utm music club  you can check out, too, that holds a bunch of music-centred events on campus– think karaoke, open mics, jam sessions, and guitar workshops. sounds pretty cool to me. they claim to be the best music club on campus on their facebook page, anyway.

    beyond these options, there’s a chinese music club or kpop organization you can join if you feel so inclined. this post is gonna drag on if i plug those two too, so look them up yourself if you’re curious, would ya? appreciate it!

    you should have the opportunity to connect with many of these clubs your first week at uni! i dunno specifically where/when the clubs fair is yet, but as long as you keep an eye out i’m sure you’ll hear about it. tends to be quite well-advertised, especially if you plan to attend frosh. if you can’t make it to clubs week, it shouldn’t be too difficult to contact these orgs directly through social media and ask about getting involved.

    in terms of courses, well… not sure if i’m doing something wrong, but it doesn’t seem like utm offers music courses, or has a music department at all? i can’t find it, anyway, which is surprising to me because i always just kind of assumed there was one. this is the full list of undergrad programs at utm, if you wanna check for yourself. if i’m right, then your options for getting involved with music might be limited to extracurriculars.

    since we’re on the topic of music, i would tell ya to follow my spotify, but that would defeat the point of an anonymous blog, wouldn’t it? guess i’ll just have to appreciate my own curated-til-3-am playlists. i kind of feel like the world is missing out, but we’ll never know, will we?

    wishing you the best of luck and a 10/10 work ethic for first year! lord knows most of us could use it.

    over n out,
  • internal transfer,  UTM

    you are artiste

    Before I ask my question, I wanted to say thank you for your advice. I finally got in! So my question is I’m currently going into Art & Art History but I want to transfer to Visual Studies at the St. George campus after my first year. Would it be impossible to do?


    hello again,

    WELCOME TO U OF T MY FRIEND, i’m so excited for you and big congratulations on your acceptance. as far as i know, what you want is certainly possible. in order to transfer to visual studies at utsg, you’ll be looking at doing an internal transfer into the daniels faculty of architecture, landscape, and design. utsg’s rotman faculty (the business one) is the only one that doesn’t seem to take transfers from other u of t campuses, so as a potential daniels kid you’re in luck.

    the terrible thing is that you actually have to apply through ouac all over again. assuming you’re a full-time student, you’ll be using an internal application that will apparently cost you $90. when going over your application, the university will look at both your overall academic record as well as your grades from the year you spent at UTM.

    i’m not sure exactly what grades you’d need to be considered, at utm, to be competitive as a transfer student from another u of t campus, you would have needed a cumulative GPA (CGPA) of 2.5 and upwards. this is a bit awkward because the u of t grading scheme  jumps straight from a C+, or 2.3, to a B- at 2.7– and anyway, i would guess that the utsg threshold would be higher. it’s not publicized, though, so you may want to give your registrar a visit and ask if they know anything.

    to get into visual studies specifically, you’ll need to have met any program prerequisites. i can’t exactly figure out what prereqs visual studies requires, so you may want to look into that if you can.

    since you’re applying to daniels and not artsci, you’ll need to apply for a transfer credit assessment once you get admitted. it’s the same school, i know, but what you’ll learn very quickly is that u of t is this weird disjointed bureaucracy of all these different offices that report to different things. so i guess in some respects, the campuses are treated as quite distinct from one another. you’ll only need to do this after you’re admitted, but keep in mind there’s an extra fee tacked on of 30 whole dollars. that’s like, two whole sushi burritos. a devastating amount.

    the deadlines for your application aren’t out yet, but to give you an idea of what you’re looking at, the deadlines for 2019-2020 internal transfers were january 10, 2018 for the application, with a recommended deadline of november 1 the previous calendar year. there’s a supplemental application with a deadline that varies slightly, so you’ll want to take a look at that as well.

    the catch is, you’ll want to do this before you hit second year– if you’re serious about transferring, it’s safest not to wait. daniels won’t take anyone with more than 10.0 credits or full-course equivalents, i guess because then your degree will be half done and there’s not really much point. on top of this, you can only get up to 5.0 transfer credits, equivalent to one fall/winter session’s worth of classes.

    sorry for the long and dry post but hope this is helpful! internal transfers can get complicated and i would highly recommend you talk to someone in-person about this as well. good luck with it all, though, and if you have any more questions feel free to send them in!

    to end the post off, here’s a smol painting dolphin with more artistic talent than me:



  • ccit,  switching,  UTM

    [insert clever pun about ccit here]

    hi, I recently got accepted into uoft- ccit major, but I want to change my major to finance or commerce, do I need to finish my freshman year first and then transfer programs or can I directly do it. I’m an international student and I’m so lost since there is no one to explain how the system works at uoft.


    hey there,

    i feel ya. u of t is a maze of a bureaucracy– even those of us who are from around here and have been at the school for a while are constantly confused. it’s just one of the joys of going to a big, complicated school. navigating it is a lot like this:

    but hey, i’ve sifted through all the CCIT stuff on the internet in an effort to help you out. as far as i can tell, the program works the same way as most other POSts. which is to say, you’re not actually a CCIT student (or a polisci student, or a chemistry student, or ANYTHING sigh) until you apply for POSt. this is also reflected in the fees you pay: i believe CCIT tuition is higher, but you only begin paying that in second year when you become a CCIT student.

    if you’re not familiar, POSt stands for Program of Study, and it’s essentially another hurdle all students of certain faculties need to jump once they get into undergrad. you apply to POSt at the end of your first year, and most of them have prerequisite courses you’ll need to get in. those courses are usually what you’ll focus on getting through in your first year.

    so as far as i know, if you wanted to transfer to finance or commerce you’ll just want to make sure you have the right prereqs, and then when you apply to POSt just indicate whichever program you want. one of the things i love about u of t is that it’s relatively easy to switch programs around as long as you have the prereqs. for example, if i was studying… indigenous studies and wanted to switch to canadian studies, i wouldn’t have to fill anything out, just make sure i had the requirements and apply to POSt during the application period.

    to be honest, i feel a little iffy with you using this as your only source of advice since i’m not ~that~ familiar with ccit as a program. i’d encourage you to get in touch with their department, because they’ll be able to confirm or correct anything i said. the university at large tends to operate in much the same way, but there are always those quirky niche programs that do their own thing and ccit could be one of those. the utm registrars may also be able to help you out.

    over n out,


  • campus,  first year,  UTM

    the BAchelor


    I am in my first year and I am deciding what my major and minor is going to be. I know I want to major in Eng and minor in Soc. However, I want to take courses in Mississauga because I live closer. I can’t find rules or regulations that can help guide me on choosing my course.

    And can I take a minor in Mississauga campus? The minor is only offered in Mississauga (however a similar minor is offered in St. George). I would like to take the minor Education Studies in Mississauga. But I don’t know if I am allowed.

    And if I wanted to change my campus from St George to Mississauga how would I go about that? Is there a certain link that I can apply through?



    you are allowed to take courses at another campus and have them count towards your POSt (program of study). however, you can’t take a minor that is only offered at UTM; your POSts must be at your home campus (in your case, st. george).

    to take a course at UTM, all you need to do is add it on ACORN during the course enrollment period, just as you would for any other normal course. just make sure that you have all the prerequisites and enrollment controls. take a look at the faculty calendar for more info.

    to make sure that the courses you wanna take will count towards your majors/ minors, you should take a look at the transfer explorer. it’s a really nifty tool that allows you to see what the equivalents are at st. george. it’s also probably a good idea to speak with someone from the department(s) involved to make sure that those credits will actually transfer and that they will accept them. so, for example, if you wanted to take an english course at utm, you should get in contact with someone from st. george’s english department to make sure that they’ll accept it in their program.

    colton underwood GIF by The Bachelor

    (but like, the rose is the course)

    in terms of the education studies minor, as i said earlier, your POSts must be at your home campus. so, if you decide to stay at st. george, i suggest that you take a look at the education and society minor that they offer at vic (i think that’s what you’re referring to in your question).

    if you wanted to switch campuses, that’s called an internal transfer. you can check out this link for more info. i also suggest talking to someone at your registrar’s office about your internal transfer (should you decide to go that route).

    i hope this helps! good luck!



  • academic offense,  UTM

    how do you plead?

    I am a first year student in the Life Sciences Program and I am currently taking STA215H5 in summer school at UTM.
    We just had a term test (worth 20%) and I was caught with a formula on my hand – we had no authorized aids allowed other than a calculator. The instructor asked to speak to me after the test was over and I semi-admitted to it and she said that since a TA had seen me looking at my hand she was gonna have to report me (she said that this was evidence)
    I have never in my life done anything like this before and I’m not sure why I did it now I guess I was nervous?
    I tried reading some of the documents and procedures on the universities site but they co fused me even more. I plan on admitting guilty if I talk to the dean or anyone else. But I am really scared right now and I don’t know what to do or what will happen!?
    Please give me a little bit of information as to how this might proceed.



    so, i’d like to apologize for how long this response has taken me. i know that it’s a really stressful situation to be in, and i’m sure waiting for my response doesn’t exactly help.

    i’m not sure if you’ve been officially charged with an offense yet, and you didn’t mention being charged. of course, it’s been a while since you’ve first sent me this question, so things could’ve changed. i’m going to answer your question and give you advice as if you’ve been charged.

    according to utm’s academic integrity website, i think that what you described to me would have been a violation of section B.I.1(b) of u of t’s code of behavior on academic matters (“to use or possess an unauthorized aid or aids in any academic examination or term test or in connection to any other form of academic work”).

    if, after the meeting with your instructor, they think that you have committed an academic offense, they will forward the issue to the departmental chair or the vice-dean/dean. after that, there are a few places that the case could go. check out this link for a flow chart that explains the process in which academic offenses are handled. since you are planning on admitting that you committed the offense, a sanction will be imposed by the office of the dean.

    in terms of what sanction they may impose, the utm academic integrity website says that the range of consequences for this offense includes “a reduction of not less than twice the value of the exam, work, and test and/or an annotation on your academic transcript.”

    unfortunately, i don’t have tons of advice about academic offences or academic integrity, but i hoped that this helped a little. i would get in contact with someone from the office of the dean who’ll be able to give you more information. their contact info can be found here.

    dealing with academic integrity can be absolutely terrifying, but it’ll be ok. i wish you all the best.

    roland garros thumbs up GIF by Tennis Channel



  • ccit,  first year,  newly admitted,  UTM

    sorry for shia

    I’m an incoming freshman and I am COMPLETELY lost about which courses I’m allowed to take, in which campuses, which faculties, basically everything.
    I’ve been accepted to CCIT and I know there are two prereqs I need to take in my first year. Other than that I know nothing, zero, nada. Please help.



    first, i want to apologize for how late this answer is. i was on vacation for the last month and a half! even aska deserves some time off.

    second, welcome to uoft!

    so, based on your question, you’d be enrolled at the utm campus (which is the only campus that offers the ccit program). however, you aren’t TECHNICALLY in ccit. ccit is a limited enrolment program that you have to apply for after your first year at utm. according to this link, you need to have completed at least 4.0 FCE (full credit equivalents) and have achieved at least a 65% in CCT109 and CCT110 (which are the two prereqs you already know about).

    as for other courses you’re “allowed” to take, the world is yours! however, you should look into what other programs you are interested in apart from ccit. ccit only offers a major program, which means that you need to take another major or two minors in conjunction with ccit in order to fulfill the requirements of a u of t degree. just remember that all u of t students must be enrolled in either a specialist, two majors, or a major and two minors. for more info on degree requirements, check out the academic calendar. it’s a good idea to check out all the programs that utm offers and see what you may what to do with your ccit major and then take the required first year courses so that you can apply for the program in your second year. for a list of all the programs and their requirements, check out the academic calendar.

    another thing that i 100000% suggest is making an appointment with an academic adviser at the registrar’s office. they can answer more specific questions that you may have and give you some great advice on anything academic-y. do it. i promise you that you won’t regret it. DO IT.

    just do it GIF

    good luck!



    PS- sorry, i really really couldn’t resist the shia gif.

  • academic standing,  gap year,  OSAP,  UTM

    long time reader and asker

    Hi Aska!

    So last year, I came to you with a huge conundrum about life, about quitting school, and other sad stuff like that. But now I am back from my well needed year off and am ready to take on the new school year! Except for the fact that I feel like I have completely lost all my smarticle-particle brain cells and am starting on a blank slate. Not so good.

    I left all my school related issues behind on my year off because I’d get these really bad anxiety and panic attacks from overthinking about my problems. Bad idea though. Because now I’m starting to feel a little panicky again because I pushed everything to the side and am completely lost.

    I have to write a letter for my OSAP Academic Probation since I dropped so many courses last year that OSAP started wondering where the heck their money went. They were mostly LWDs and so I couldn’t get a refund for the class. My registrar told me that it would be fine and nothing would happen BUT YA I GOT PLACED ON OSAP PROBATION SO SOMETHING DID HAPPEN BUT NOW I GOTTA FIX IT AND I NEED HELP. HELP.

    sorry, just freaked out there. i was in a really tough spot last year and was too stupid to not figure it out. so yeah.

    I also can’t find the notice they sent me through the mail so this is mostly based on my horrible memory. i swear, im like a grandparent.

    anyway, my first question(s) is/are: who do i send this ding-dang letter to? financial aid office or something? what’s their address? do i send one to some osap office as well? also, will it be ok for me to apply for osap during this time?

    ok second set of questions are related to a course i really wanna take this upcoming school year. funny story though, i put it on my enrollment cart and was super excited to figure out how to get to my classes and the time of travel it takes to get there. i looked it up on my handy-dandy physical map, and the BUILDING CODE DOES NOT EXIST AT ST. GEORGE. searched it up. found out its at UTM. great.

    will I still be allowed to take the course even though im registered at st. george? also, if i am allowed, how will i manage to get back and forth from each campus? apparently there’s a shuttle but where is it located? how much is the fare?

    Anyway Aska, thanks for listening and helping. i don’t know what it is–maybe it’s your casual way of answering questions or replying to each student, but i always feel a little better hearing back from you. and you make us all laugh. thanks again and sorry for the freak outs.

    hope to hear from you soon!


    hi friend!

    so, i just went back and reread the answer that the past aska give you (there’s been an aska turnover since then!).  i’m sorry that you’re going through a bit of a rough time right now, especially since the year off was much needed. hopefully my response helps.

    since you’ve asked two sorta separate questions, i’ll answer in two sorta separate parts.

    1. osap probation

    so i’m assuming that the “letter” that you need to write for osap is this one? on it, it says to return it to enrollment services. you should also direct any questions you have about osap or financial aid to enrollment services. you can find their contact info here. unfortunately, i don’t know too much about osap (they’re notoriously confusing) so i think your best bet is getting in contact with enrollment services who have all the osap knowledge.

    2. taking courses at utm as a st. george student

    yes, this is allowed! these courses will count towards your 20 FCE needed to graduate and can count towards your program requirements.

    just keep in mind that, even though the course is being held at a different campus and faculty, you are still subject to st. george’s faculty of arts and sciences’ deadlines. so, for example, if you wanted to drop the course without academic offence, you’d have to do it before the st. george deadline, not the utm deadline. check out this link for the faculty of arts and sciences’ deadlines and this link for utm’s.

    also, if you want to use the utm course towards your program(s), you’ll want to make sure that the utm course actually has a relevant equivalent course at st. george (as in, the credit will transfer over and you can actually use it towards your program). you can do this through the transfer explorer. 

    as for the utm shuttle, it departs from hart house everyday in 20 minute intervals according to the past winter semester’s schedule. i can’t imagine the schedule changing too drastically in the fall, but look up the new schedule come fall to make sure. also note that it costs $6 each way for non-utm students (like yourself). i know tons of people who have taken the utm shuttle (either for classes or because their families live in mississauga and it’s lowkey cheaper than the ttc + whatever transit system they have in the ‘saug) and they’ve said that it’s a pretty great system, but can be slow during rush hour. the shuttle bus is probably your best bet for getting to and from utm.

    i’m really glad that taking a year off was productive and healthy for you, and i hope that the rough patch you’re going through right now passes. just know that if you ever need help, all you need to do is ask for it, which is the hardest part. and you’ve already done that!

    i highly suggest getting in contact with someone from your registrar’s office to discuss anything related to your academics, especially since you took a year off and are on osap probation. they’re super duper helpful and understanding. i would also suggest looking into the academic success centre, they’re a criminally underused service at u of t. you can book an appointment with a learning strategist (who does exactly what it sounds like, strategize how you can learn better) or attend workshops on academic success. getting some help and learning how you learn and can be more successful academically should (i hope) give you confidence when you come back to school. they’re awesome, check them out.

    good luck! you’re gonna kill it.

    model good luck GIF



  • commerce,  UTM

    …i think?

    hi I’m in utm I was in a commerce program in my first year in 2016 but i didnt get into my subject post because one of the courses, I tried it again in 2017 and failed again. So right now its may 2018 and I want to repeat the course again so i want to know if i’ll get back into the program right now my acorn is blank there is no ‘invited to 2018-2019’ just wondering if that will change in the future.



    your question is extremely confusing and i have no clue what you’re saying. i’m assuming that you mean you’ve tried in 2016 and 2017 to get into a subject post, but couldn’t both times because you failed a required course? and you’re retaking the course right now so that you can get into the post for 2018-19? i think?

    in that case, you would’ve needed to request the post on ACORN before april 29th, and as you pointed out… it’s may 2018.  that’s probably why you don’t see the “invited to 2018-2019” thingy on your ACORN. you also wouldn’t have been invited to the post on ACORN if you haven’t completed the requirements of the post.

    i’m assuming that you’re taking summer courses right now to fulfill the requirements of the post?? in that case, you’ll need to request the post during the second request period between june 11- august 24. if you request the post during the second period, you’ll find out if you got in or not sometime in early september. THAT’S when you’d see if you were “invited to 2018-2019” or not.

    i THINK that answers your question… i’m still not quite sure what you mean.

    al pacino GIF

    good luck!



  • admissions,  IB,  UTM

    utm giveth, but can utm taketh away?

    I can’t express how much this blog has both entertained and educated me– mostly on things that don’t apply to me, but informational all the same.

    Well, to get the the meat of things, I’m afraid that my offer to U of T will be revoked??

    Basically, even though my IB predicted score is a grand total of 24 (barely passing, my god), I somehow got an offer of admission from U of T Mississauga for Psychology (which is insane because I’m getting a 2 in math a.k.a. not passing).

    I hear a lot of my peers saying things like “Oh yeah, you can drop 6 diploma points and UBC won’t revoke your offer lolol!!” or “So and so was worried because, with Waterloo, you can only drop one point!!1!1″… Where can you even find this information, friends??? This would be really freaking helpful to know for U of T so I could skip having a panic attack everyday about my fate in the coming months.

    Anyways, I’d just like to know your thoughts. Though I know that time is the only thing that can truly soothe my anxiety, it’s nice to have more of an idea of what I’m dealing with; even if a solid answer can’t be given.

    Thank you!!



    first of all, congrats!

    when you were admitted to u of t, you would have received a letter detailing the conditions of your acceptance. that letter can be found on your joinid portal, or it would’ve been mailed to you physically when you were admitted. you need to check out what the the conditions of your acceptance are, according to that letter, as they differ from program to program and campus to campus. you will need to fulfill the conditions of your acceptance that are laid out in the letter in order to keep your acceptance.

    if you can’t find the letter, or it’s way too confusing for you, or whatever, then you should get in contact with UTM. check out this link for UTM admission inquiries’ contact info. give ’em a call, they’ll have way more answers re: this issue than i do!

    calling karen gillan GIF by HULU

    i hope this helps!



  • ccit,  enrollment,  UTM

    maybe we are both ignorant

    hi! do you know where i can find ccit major’s minimum cgpa requirement? i’ve checked their academic calendar already and either it’s not there or i’ve skipped over it? thanks in advance!
    i was about to make some snarky joke about how easy it was to find the ccit calendar with all the requirements listed but then… i couldn’t find the minimum cgpa requirement. so, jokes on me i guess.
    according to the ccit calendar, it says that “each year the ICCIT program sets a minimum required CGPA. This will vary from year to year and is based, in part, on supply and demand.” i’ve looked around on the iccit website and the course calendar and couldn’t find anything either. this might mean that they haven’t set the minimum required cgpa yet, or that we are both ignorant and don’t know where to look.
    jerry cant see GIF by HULU
    you should get in contact with the ccit department themselves. check out this link for info on how to contact the student adviser/ program coordinator.
    i hope this helps!
    good luck.
  • commerce,  extra courses,  UTM

    try, try again

    So I am a first year commerce student at utm and im almost positive im probably not going to get into the post that applied for. If i don’t get in, what are my options in terms of getting into the commerce program? I hear you can apply again after summer, so is that in terms of me taking a course in summer to boost my gpa?



    so just to confirm, you’re saying that you don’t think that you will get the required minimum marks in the required classes?

    according to this link, you can apply for a subject post starting march 11, and if you meet all the requirements by may, you will be admitted in may. however, if you don’t meet the requirements by may, you can retake the courses over the summer and then request the post again starting june 11 and will be notified by early september. so yes! if at first (in may) you don’t succeed, try, try again (in june, after taking in the required courses).

    just remember that any course you retake to get into a post will be designated as an “extra” course and will show up on your transcript as “EXT”. this means that it will not count towards your GPA or the 20 credits needed to graduate. it does count towards subject post requirements.

    i hope this makes sense! good luck 🙂

    america ferrera yes GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

